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Verifiable and actionable intelligence for the thoughtful investor

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin

How behavioural psychology and neuroscience confirms that when it comes to high performance the majority is always wrong

Here’s an 11 minute talk by Paul Rulkens who is a highly experienced, accomplished and world renowned expert in achieving big goals in the fastest and most elegantly simple way possible. His work is based on his knowledge and experience of the practical application of behavioural psychology, neuroscience and common sense. He currently works internationally to make successful people, teams and organizations even more successful.

Based on a conversation Einstein had with his assistant. This talk illustrates the point that when it comes to high performance. There is an obvious reason why the majority is always wrong and so with this verifiable fact in mind, here’s how you can use this phenomenon to get everything you want using everything that you’ve got.

Behavioural science research studies have proven

That only 3% of people facing an intractable problem that they want to solve were found to exhibit the innate mental ability to take the following action by default. So if you’re part of the 97% majority who have an important goal that really matters to you. But you’re finding it unattainable, here’s what researchers have found that this 3% sub-group do subconsciously as their default instinctive behaviour, when searching for an elegantly simple solution to achieving their big goals.

As rather than assuming that the majority belief system is right because they are the majority and any concepts deviating from this belief system is wrong. Ask yourself whether your immediate rejection of any idea outside your existing belief system would be the same if you were to instead, to do this.

Consider the opposite!

Why? Because a belief system by definition is not required to be based on facts or even logic. Rather they represent anything that authority figures convince the majority to accept as being ‘the truth’. But you know rationally from your own observations that tech billionaire entrepreneurs like Bill Gates didn’t achieve their success by following the herd. Rather, they achieved it by a willingness to be intellectually curious and so be open to considering the opposite often non-majority view.

The rest is history

They laughed when Gates, as a high school dropout looked into the future and foresaw that in that future everybody would have a PC on their desk needing to be powered by an operating system. However, very few at that time even understood what an operating system was, let alone its global impact, nor did they foresee the proliferation of more portable devices, so the rest is now history.

So as you discover how we deploy our wholesale banking relationship with an ECB-licensed bank trader to give your exposure to our bank-secured buy-sell contracts as a form of alternative funding for your audacious big goals, and/or via our private wealth lending platform group we deploy a regulated capital insured coupon bond paying a bank-guaranteed 5% coupon rate to fully de-risk your bond deposit, and get you a bank-secured equity kicker to net you an extreme outsized return.

Know that for almost 20 years their multiples based lending program has been the capital source for a wide variety of retail lenders around the world. This program has provided billions of dollars in capital to these lenders. In 2018, this private wealth lending platform group decided to launch a new channel that would make this program available direct to projects….. That’s where we got involved.

Today people look at it these programs and say “this sounds too good to be true”. We hear businessmen, lawyers, bankers and investors say; “I’ve been financing deals for 40 years and have never heard of anything like this.” In some ways this is understandable, isn’t it? How would the “average business person” be exposed to the inner workings of what is possible via a private wealth lending platform group that operates globally in the highly specialised field of wholesale lending involving them working at the wholesale banking level with global top banks, conducted under the regulatory oversight of central banks much like the global top-20 banks with whom it collaborates?

You see this is not domestic retail banking. And this is not retail lending or conventional loans. This is wholesale lending with a very financially strong private wealth lending platform group.

So if in doubt, be like the 3% who unlike the majority, attain their high performance by an openness to a consider the opposite based exclusively on prudently following objectively verifiable facts not belief systems. Facts that our private wealth lending group’s licensed/regulated Bond Group actively encourages your own banker, attorney or other advisor to pre-confirm prior you investing a penny.

Your investment in wholesale banking knowledge

So if you are one of the more thoughtful 3% with whom this resonates. Here’s how to prudently use these real-world facts to achieve bank-secured alternative funding and or capital growth, to accomplish your own important big goals. By your exposure the remarkable truth of how banks really make their money, and how you can join them by tapping the wholesale banking market.

Did you know for example, that the world’s global top-20 banks that in effect control the global banking system are not in fact primarily involved the lending business? This is because “para banking” (none core banking activities), is far more profitable. So in truth they are in the wholesale banking business of profiting from customers leveraged deposits via the fractional reserve system.

Dodge the yield and funding-loss bullet by considering the opposite

Making a down payment on your wholesale banking knowledge is as easy as being open to consider the opposite by reading this article entitled: “How the world’s top banks really make their money: And how you can join them by…”, on page 72 of the July 2019 issue of Family Office Magazine.

Discovering the proper legal context in which these capital secured wholesale banking contracts exist and are compliantly executed off-market. Enableds the thoughtful founder or investor to stake their claim to bank securely achieving the outsized wholesale banking returns they truly deserve, through their exposure to a managed buy-sell contract and/or our private wealth lending platform group.

Thanks – Colin Blanchard
CEO, Cautus Asset Management Ltd.






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