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Discover how as an over 55 accidental landlord you can ditch your underperforming buy-to-let, yielding you an average of just 7.6% p.a., with its problem tenants, interest rate hikes and letting agent frustrations

For a capital insured and bank-guaranteed 20% p.a. coupon rate via our Senior Income Booster Bond (SIBB), that is pre-confirmed for you, by a top Law Firm

Have you ‘tripped and fallen’ into to become an accidental buy-to-let (BTL) landlord, with its rental voids, problem tenants, unreliable letting agents and eye-watering hikes in your mortgage interest rates. All because you’ve been duped into believing that BTL is the Holy Grail for savvy seniors to optimize their autumn years income. However, regardless of where the BTL market stands, your return on investment is fully market correlated and affected by some factors you have no control over.

Now imagine earning a return on your capital that is substantially higher that the average yield on any BTL. This is because of being non-market correlated meaning your return is a fixed rate of return regardless of BTL market conditions. So that both your invested capital and your return are both insured and fully bank guaranteed. So that ultimately you can retire comfortably and with dignity?

As by joining CAM you’ll get a superior performing solution via a capital insured and bank guaranteed securities regulated bond, delivering an outsized, monthly bank-guaranteed market beating coupon rate.

So because your subscription to our UK Bare Trust SPV syndicate collectively holds the pledged bond deposit. It is therefore fully insurance-guaranteed against loss. And the coupon rate is similarly bank-guaranteed to be paid out by a top-tier globally recognized bank. Meaning that as the coupon bond’s custodian and guarantor, the bank accepts full bank responsibility to disburse to our syndicate the bond’s contracted gross coupon rate of 1.67%.

This savvy senior Income Booster Bond is the culmination of a year of underwriting by the global top bank before it would agree to guarantee this fixed rate bond. This was based on the flawless track record of the bond sponsor, (our affiliated private wealth lending platform group). That also have an exceptionally strong balance sheet to support the level of return being delivered by this coupon bond.

Due diligence is actively encouraged

With regard to due diligence on this 100% capital insured bond. There is a simple onboarding process via the licensed and regulated Bond Group, where prospective bondholders do NOT transfer any capital until after their lawyer or other advisors have reviewed the bond contract terms. To in this way confirm to our investors satisfaction that our bond deposit is bank secured/insured against loss.

The Bond Group actively encourages this as your first due diligence step since the bond will stand up to any level of due diligence. So it’s in this transparent way that we help you to quickly get the comfort level you need and deserve. By CAM legally pre-confirming for you via your own syndicate’s retained Law Firm first, that your deposit and coupon rate is indeed fully insurance and bank-guaranteed against loss, well before you via your savvy senior syndicate invests a penny.

So what’s the catch?

Well… the ‘catch’ for want of a better word, is that there is minimum investment for this coupon bond of $1m. But in return you get a fixed rate coupon bond earning you a gross market-beating 20% p.a. interest rate, disbursed to your syndicate monthly by the custodian and guarantor bank. With your deposit held on a fully capital insured basis, with the bond’s coupon rate also bank-guaranteed. Your deposit is not used as collateral or encumbered and is held strictly on a non-depletion basis.

So your coupon bond in this way is significantly outperforming the 7.6% average yield on buy-to-lets that over 55s (as reported by Mortgage Direct), understandably but wrongly have been lead to believe, is assumed as the best income boosting option as confirmed by Mortgage Direct’s latest BTL statistics which found that:

“New rental property purchases by over-55s accounted for almost 30% of Commercial Trust’s figures for 2018: an increase of 8% over the previous year. And across all buy-to-let purchases and re-mortgages, over-55s accounted for 39% of all business, an overall increase of 4%.”

The problems accidental landlord’s face

Although over 55s today have far more flexibility to access their underperforming pension pot. We as alternative asset managers do not feel that investing in buy-to-lets is the simplest, safest or most efficient way to boost your senior income. As a BTL property entails, being saddled with a 30 year mortgage, insurance and maintenance costs, and agent fees all as the accepted ticket price of entry.

So unless you DIY you’re relying on an agent to manage your most valuable asset in a reliable way. So increasing your exposure to counterparty risk if the agent turns out to be unreliable. Then there’s rental voids, mortgage interest rate hikes and the incalculable risk of being saddled with problem tenants. Plus as the cheapest properties are in higher crime areas this increases your repair bill.

The elegantly simple solution

So for the more thoughtful financially savvy senior that simply wants to boost your income on a pre-verified and fully capital insured basis. Who only became an ‘accidental landlord’ due to a lack of awareness of alternative senior income enhancement opportunities beyond the standard touted BTL option.

You are cordially invited to subscribe to our secured bond syndicate by pledging your share of the required minimum of $1m to the coupon bond, through CAM as your investment syndicate manager, to disburse the monthly coupon rate to you and the rest of subscribing syndicate members.

Retire with dignity

So here’s how to retire with dignity on the kind of boosted sustainable senior income you truly deserve by your exposure to an outsized coupon rate, (minus 3.45% capped at £8,500 fund administration fee + $4,500 legal fees), charged pro-rata to investors. This alternative approach offers you an smart way to dodge the BTL stress and hassle of dealing with mortgage rate hikes, problem tenants and unreliable letting agents.

Simple one-time deal fee

The only other fee is CAM’s onetime exit deal fee of 30% of the total syndicated amount raised as the required bond deposit to be pledged to the guarantor and custodian bank from $1m and up, per deal, as our asset management fee for structuring and managing each syndicated coupon bond deal.

Your early bird advantage starts here

As an early bird special offer to welcome savvy seniors who choose to join our insurance and bank secured coupon bond syndicate. CAM’s standard 20% p.a. carried interest normally charged on your 20% p.a. fixed coupon rate generated from the bond as our performance fee, is, (for this early bird deal only), permanently waived, IF you join our Senior Income Booster Bond syndicate today. So you’ll earn 20% p.a. minus only the above fees with (zero carried interest charged) to your particular syndicate’s ROI, by you opting to subscribe now whilst this early bird special offer remains open.

Fee-adjusted soft cap raise amount

To ensure that after the required fees are deducted our savvy senior syndicate will still always have the correct minimum required bond deposit amount of $1m with which to execute the transaction. As prudent asset managers we capitalize the per deal and annual fees into the syndicate’s required raise amount to ensure admin and asset management fee are covered.

So the syndicate will have its raise amount set at the fee-adjusted per deal minimum of $1m + (30% = $300k) deal fee + 3.45% capped at £8,500 ($11,079) fund administration fee + $4,500 legal fees = $1,315,579

Stake your claim to the retirement you truly deserve

Your fractional ownership in the coupon bond is achieved by you acquiring shares in CAM, so we serve as your investment vehicle to professionally syndicate and/or pool the minimum required $1m.

CAM is a UK Bare Trust investment syndicate retaining a highly reputable Law Firm, to legally pre-confirm the bond contract terms and conditions prior to the $1m being pledged to it to so earn your coupon rate. The legal fees of lawyers to verify the bond is split pro-rata amongst syndicate members.

With these safeguards in place CAM is delivering to you, the superior performing elegantly simple solution of a bank-guaranteed coupon rate income stream (much like an annuity), achieved simply by your syndicated $1m bond deposit being pledged to the bond. To in this way sustainably enhance your senior income by you owning an equity stake in this registered and regulated coupon bond.

So in summary, only after your pooled $1m deposit is legally pre-confirmed by CAM’s Law Firm (on your behalf) as being fully capital insured, and the coupon rate is also verified as being fully bank-guaranteed. Do we as your syndicate manager progress on to the next step, of bank-securely transferring CAM’s deposit so you can earn your monthly pro-rata share of the bond’s coupon rate, disbursed to you monthly by us as your secured capital enhancement Asset Manager.

Join us now to securely enhance your retirement income

If this capital insured/bank-guaranteed coupon bond strategy resonates with you as a simpler more civilised alternative to BTLs, and you’d like to join our senior bond syndicate, then get in touch.






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