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How to launch your own $10m and above capital secured fund, (without a ChFM Certificate, having a finance degree, or any trading technical analysis skills), for an insured and bank-guaranteed 21% ROI for $10,000, plus for just $40,200 + % of the raise, an optional Stock Ex-listing

Versus as per BarclayHedge, the average hedge fund earning a net annual return of 7.2% over the 5 years through 2021, and how via a Stock Ex-listing via our affiliated EU securitization platform, you can raise the required $10m+ to achieve this ROI

So here’s the problem: If you’ve ever considered launching your own professional investor hedge fund, but were put off by the cost and complexity, notably maintaining the hedge fund’s governance and dynamic fund administration to remain compliant. But most of all, you were hesitant due to the possibility that since your investment strategy’s ROI is market correlated, (as most fund’s strategies are), you risk not attaining the coveted stellar track record needed due to missing your ROI target.

Well here’s you lawyer or other advisor verifiable bank and insurance guaranteed solution: via this $10,000 turnkey hedge fund offering compliance and administration of your own label fund under a CIMA registered SPC fund platform. This turnkey hedge fund solution is keenly priced and helpfully includes: calculating your fund’s net asset valuation, onboarding investors, AML compliance, providing your fund’s ISIN/Bloomberg ticker, it’s bank account, your fund’s regulatory directors, maintaining your fund’s investor share register plus having your fund audited annually. So you can focus on winning inventors through your fund’s stellar track record of delivering capital insured and bank-guaranteed outsized returns, by your hedge fund deploying our unique strategy.


From $2,150 p.a. a deal-by-deal SPV UK Bare Trust syndicate offers a more cost effective option with less complexity. As here your investors select which syndicated deals to participate in via each of your deal-by-deal strategies. Instead of you as the fund manager choosing this for them. Already in use by VC and Angel investor syndicates it can work equally well as your fund’s SPV.

Or alternatively

Through our blockchain-driven company formation partner we can offer you an even more affordable way to structure you fund to securitize any income producing asset that your company (fund) acquires or owns. An income producing asset such as our same interest bearing principal and interest guaranteed, bank-guaranteed coupon bond to be deployed as your fund’s novel strategy.

Whereby your fund in the form of a SmartCompany, (the cheapest option being a Series LLC at $400, with each sub-Series costing $200 each), plus $400 for the LLC’s operating agreement. You can then choose to deploy this structure instead of the $10,000 SPC fund platform as your investment vehicle. As due to it being formed as a SmartCompay. Means effectively that its governance, (specifically the issuing of its shares is built on the blockchain). With the result that instead of you having to set up for example, a new Initial Coin Offer (ICO), or regulation D 506c private placement offering for each individual income producing asset your fund acquires.

You can instead, issue your Series-LLC fund’s investors with fractional ownership in any of the income producing asset your acquire by issuing digital shares. This is possible because your subscribing investors share ownership is already integrated into your SmartCompany at the time of the company’s formation. Therefore, all of your shares in this scenario are issued exclusively in digital form as a legally compliant, US state government-regulated, ECR20 Security Token. This security is publicly identifiable and fully trackable on the blockchain.

If you prefer to choose your own turnkey SPV/SPC fund platform instead of the one suggested here, then so much the better. As we have no financial relationship with any such provider so you are free to choose your own fund administrator. You just need a structure that works for you and your investors that can efficiently deploy our following proven and performing secured bond strategy.

Your capital insured and bank-guaranteed 20% p.a. ROI coupon bond strategy, works by you not following the existing paradigm of acquiring in effect an empty SPC sub-fund, where your fund’s performance is at best an educated guess, that if guessed wrong won’t succeed in attracting investors.

To instead let your hedge fund’s ROI be driven by our $10m+ registered and regulated bond’s 20% p.a. coupon via our licensed/regulated Bond Group. That insures 100% of your fund’s deposit that is pledged to the bond, with its coupon rate fully bank-guaranteed. So solving the problem of ever having an unknown outcome as it is a bank-guaranteed ROI. So you predictably get a stellar track record as this coupon rate is your fund’s annual ROI pre-confirmed by your own lawyer or advisor.

Not sure how to raise the required $10m?

Then check out our alternative funding case study-driven feature article published in the Financier Times Magazine, to discover how one surgeon’s $100m wellness project was progressively 100% funded, for the securitization platform-fee of just $40,200 plus a small base point fee of the amount raised. So that this securitization platform (that has raised over $5bn) since its founding in 2018. Was able to smartly deployed its expert A – Z Stock Exchange listing infrastructure to offer the founder/project owner, (in this case a cosmetic surgeon). The fully managed issuance on his behalf of a bankable Swiss ISIN Tracker security, that dynamically tracks the share price performance of the underlying private equity investment. So via this affordable Tracker security listing on a EU licensed and regulated Stock Exchange. He was able to raise $10m via this alternative funding strategy, with global investors able to buy their securities via their local banks by Delivery Versus Payment (DvP).

Does this give you any ideas?

As if you were to deploy this strategy then your Unique Selling Point would be that your global investors would be able to buy their securities to participate in your bond investment, by Delivery Versus Payment via their existing local bank. So offering them the convenience and security of global bank-to-bank settlement of their acquired security, to so gain exposure to your strategy’s, outsized capital insured and bank guaranteed ROI.

Although the FTM article is based on a private equity strategy the platform does also have a hedge fund option offering carried interest and asset management fees set by you. The article also reveals how any capital intensive venture can be de-risked and 100% funded via bank secured matched funding.

Your hedge fund’s 2-step secured bond strategy: involves you pooling $10m so you can meet our licensed and regulated Bond Group, subject to your hedge fund first providing the required bank regulatory proof of funds, to bank compliantly qualify your fund to attend this meeting. The Bond Group then walks you through the bonding process including full disclosure of the bond contract. You are then actively encouraged to verify the bond contract via your own attorney banker or other advisors to confirm that your capital and coupon rate is indeed bank and insurance protected.

Whereupon, you then pledge your fund’s $10m to bond#1. Then using this bond’s resulting bank-guaranteed proceeds, you next re-enter the bond program a second time so as to end your fund’s first trading year as follows:

Bond#1 yields $166,666.67 per month so in 6 months the bond accrues a $1,000,000 ROI, at which point you re-enter the program again by pledging this $1,000,000 coupon rate ROI to bond#2.

Bond #2 So this second $1,000,000 lower entry bond#2, runs simultaneously with the first $10m bond. So over the remaining 6 months of the first financial year it generates, $1,000,000 x 20% = $200,000 p.a. divided by 2 (as bond#2 at the $1,000,000 entry level is earning only for the remaining 6 months of the year and so generates an extra) = $100,000 (at $16,666.66 per month).

As your bond#1 has now earned an annual coupon rate ROI of $1,000,000 (per 6 month bond re-investment cycle) x 2 = $2,000,000 p.a. Plus earned $100,000 via bond#2’s remaining 6 months coupon rate ROI this totals $2,100,000. So your hedge fund’s annualised ROI is $2,100,000 divided by $10,000,000 x 100 = 21% annualised ROI for year 1 via this alternative bond investment strategy, that is fully capital insured and your hedge fund’s coupon rate is also fully bank-guaranteed.

So even a new fund manager with no finance degree, zero trading knowledge, or technical analysis expertise can from their very first year, predictably demonstrate a stellar outsized ROI track record. So by deploying this 100% insurance and bank guaranteed strategy you can in this financially astute way make your new fund far more attractive to new investors. Thereby growing your fund’s capital under management to thereby grow your hedge fund’s management fee income.

To elevate your fund via this capital insured and bank-guaranteed outsized ROI strategy, costs from $10,000 for the full blown Cayman Islands Monetary Authority registered SPC hedge fund platform. Using our coupon bond strategy to disrupt the existing start-up fund paradigm, by swapping your market-driven strategy for a superior performing capital insured fixed rate of return strategy, means you can now launch your fund just by:

1: deciding how you want to split your fund’s underlying bond-driven, bank and insurance guaranteed 20% p.a. coupon rate. And 2: by you choosing what percentage rate of management and performance fee you want to charge your investors given your outsized ROI is not market correlated, but is fully predetermined. Or ditch the traditional hedge fund fee structure all together and use our market-disruptive Joint Venture split arrangement of say 80/20 in favour of the investor and that will represent the entire extent of the fee for your disruptive coupon bond strategy.

So as a thoughtful start up fund manager you can now smartly launch your own label hedge fund safe in the knowledge that your fund will predictably earn a gross bank-guaranteed annualised ROI of 21% p.a. Meaning in year 2 your fund earns gross $2,000,000 from bond#1 plus the full $200,000 on bond#2. With re-investments into a 3rd bond then available after 6 months by means of the bond’s coupon rate accruing $1,000,000, as generated on the fund’s original $10m bond deposit.

Unlocking the hidden value of this strategy

The beauty of this bank-guaranteed coupon bond strategy is that you can offer this strategy as a stand-alone offering to your investors as your Unique Selling Point. Or you can deploy it as your fund’s financially smart de-risking strategy based on your market-driven strategy. Whereby your fund offers a bank-guaranteed ROI of e.g. 7.2% p.a. to investors as your hurdle rate. Meaning, you must achieved this before your performance fee kicks in. But crucially, since your fund’s pledged bond deposit will have already been verified by your fund, as fully capital insured and the coupon rate bank-guaranteed. So unlike other funds, your ROI hurdle rate will always be achieved because it is fully bank-guaranteed.

So optionally on top of this bank-guaranteed return. You can opt to also offer your investors a bonus return based on the market-driven trading performance of your chosen trading strategy. So for example your fund might offer a bank-guaranteed annualized return of say 7.2% as your fund’s hurdle rate ROI to investors. But then over and above this this, you would offer them in effect, a bonus upside return based on whatever market-driven trading strategy returns your hedge fund achieves.

To launch your own fund with a capital protected strategy, just add capital. Either by tapping your own investor network to syndicate your fund’s required $10m or more and we’ll do the rest. Or access our affiliated European-based securitizations platform, that will empower your global investors to be able to bank securely purchase their participating Tracker Cert. securities, via their local banks globally.

Or your fund can now uniquely opt to earn an even higher bank-guaranteed ROI by you giving your fund’s investors exposure to CAM’s EU Stock Exchange listing-driven venture, to launch our $50bn Alternative Funding Co, to yield your fund an outsized, bank-guaranteed, 1,300% ROI as per our revealing post here.






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